Simplify the ordering experience

Provide contactless payment options
Integrated with Stripe, customers can now enjoy a contactless ordering experience.

Give customers the control of their order
Customers can customize their order on the self-service kiosks with available add-ons and can browse and choose in their own time.

Simplify the ordering experience
Pizzacafe Kiosk solo

Streamline operations and boost revenue

Reduce wait times Without the need for a cashier, wait times are reduced drastically. Improve staff productivity With customers ordering independently, free up staff to look after other tasks. Increase check sizes Automate prompts for those upsell items can lead to higher order value.
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A kiosk system that suits the needs of your business

Update your menu directly from the portal Add daily specials and remove menu items that are out of stock. Send orders to your Flipdish Terminal or POS system Orders are sent directly from the self-ordering kiosk to the terminal or POS system.