Lifestyle Management inc
LMI-Life made IncredibleHead office location: Ontario, Canada
Where do you operate: United States, Canada
List of services: Social Media/ Tech/Manegment services/
Promo details: Social media and business review for opportunities to pivot to other lines of income
About us
Interim CMO/Social media/Creative marketing/Relationship partner. Woking on helping businesses bounce back from covid.
At lifestyle, we take great pride in helping small businesses grow income. Step one. Stepping outside of the box. Step 2, creating new lines of income. Step 3, creating and building an actionable database. This will cause marketing offers to be seamless and valuable. Branding and connecting to local companies to use their products or service. Most importantly, taking all the distractions of marketing away from small business owners so they can focus on their dream knowing we got this!