Welcome to Flipdish

Please read the details below.

Welcome to Flipdish

As you may be aware, Flipdish acquired your previous online ordering platform provider, Appaway, on 22 October 2021. Here you can find more information about the transition and all the powerful tools that you can now use to grow your business with Flipdish!

In order to keep receiving orders and revenue via your New Flipdish website and apps, you now need to accept Flipdish’s standard terms and conditions. Please note that when you accept your new terms, your pricing will also change.

To complete your transition to Flipdish, you just need to accept our terms and conditions, as your Appaway terms are no longer valid. We’re invested in your success and these new Ts and Cs include a change to your pricing, away from a flat fee structure to a model that only sees Flipdish make money when you do.

We have emailed you information on the change of terms and details of your new pricing. We will not change your terms or pricing structure without your signed agreement, however please note that we may in future withdraw use of the Flipdish platform if you do not agree to our standard terms and pricing. If this point is reached we will notify you via email with at least 30 days notice.

If you have any questions you can contact us back by emailing us to [email protected] or call us on +44 20 3826 8960 and our Support Team will be happy to help you.

Features Table

Frequently Asked Questions

    Your previous agreement for online ordering software was with Appaway. As Appaway is no longer trading, your terms and agreement now need to be updated to reflect your business agreement with Flipdish.

    Yes. Flipdish charges fees on a low rate commission model.

    With a full suite of powerful technology to help your hospitality business grow online, and complete ownership of your customer data, these rates are exceptionally good value, especially vs high cost marketplaces.

    To complete your transition to Flipdish, you just need to accept our terms and conditions, as your Appaway terms are no longer valid. We’re invested in your success and these new Ts and Cs include a change to your pricing, away from a flat fee structure to a model that only sees Flipdish make money when you do.

    By using our tools to provide a seamless ordering experience and market to your customers, you can grow your profits by diverting orders from the marketplaces and capturing loyal, direct customers for life.

    Flipdish is revolutionising the consumer digital experience and giving you a full suite of powerful tools to reduce your reliance on costly marketplaces and grow your direct profits fast. To provide these features in addition to dedicated resources to support your business we charge low rates of commission so our business is sustainable and we can partner with you for years to come.

    To complete your transition to Flipdish, you just need to accept our terms and conditions, as your Appaway terms are no longer valid. We’re invested in your success and these new Ts and Cs include a change to your pricing, away from a flat fee structure to a model that only sees Flipdish make money when you do.

    Appaway FAQ

    We created a specific course for you, completely FREE in our Flipdish Academy. Click here, Subscribe to the Flipdish Academy for FREE and enrol and complete this course, among 60+ other courses that will help you grow your business with Flipdish!

    As now you are operating under Flipdish, due to the acquisition of Appaway, we want to make sure that your terms and conditions and pricing are most relevant and align to the services we provide. We may in future withdraw use of the Flipdish platform if you don’t agree to our standard terms and pricing. If this point is reached we will notify you via email with at least 30 days notice.

    Check our Flipdish website to understand our products, services, and how we help your business grow. Visit our Flipdish Shop to learn about our products, Marketing kits, and our QSR Restaurant Kiosks.

    We also invite you to attend our live onboarding webinar which is designed for you to explain how our tools and systems work. Feel free to book a time that suits you here.

    If you missed the webinar or the time does not suit your schedule, you can access this free Appaway Customer Onboarding Course with everything you need to know to successfully transition from Appaway to Flipdish.

    Did you know that we also have a free Flipdish Academy? Watch our short videos to learn more about how you can grow your business with us.

    You will also have access to our Help Center articles answering many of your questions.

    You may also read our blogs to learn more on how to optimise specific business areas for success.

    And of course, if you have any questions, feel free to call or email us at [email protected]. Our Support Team will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Table Ordering Technology: customers order from their mobile phones through QR codes

    Kiosks: a self-service option for customers in-store

    Point of Sale Integrations: integrate orders into your POS system

    Integration of Delivery Management Software: quick and easy food delivery

    Integrations with Delivery Partners: integrate orders with last-mile delivery partners

    Ordering with Google or Instagram: customers can order directly from social media channels

    Flipdish Phone Marketing

    Flipdish Managed Marketing: increase your brand awareness and online orders through Search advertising, social media campaigns, SMS Marketing, and more

    Practical guides, for example how to train your staff and hire the right managers

    View the below chart for more details:

    Features table Appaway FAQ

    With Flipdish you have a lot of tools to help you grow your business. These range from Marketing Kits (that were shipped to your store during the transition) use your Marketing kit and ask your customers to download the new app. The new app will have more features and a better user experience.

    The new app will be more engaging for customers and should create greater loyalty amongst your customer base.

    We recommend using our FREE Marketing solutions such as First Order Discount, Loyalty, Retention and Phone Marketing to help you drive your customers online and build a strong customer base that you can retarget over and over again! You can find more information about these powerful features and more here.

    Yes, you can contact us back by emailing us to [email protected] or call us on +44 20 3826 8960 and our Support Team will be happy to help you.